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Coming Soon

We're hard at work writing and gathering resources.
In the mean time, if you'd like to submit any, it would really help us out!
Send us an email.

Beginners' Resources

Execute Python Online

An online Python editor that's great for testing longer programs. Input must be entered in advance.

Python Shell

Online Python console on the official website. An excellent place to test Python code online.

CS Circles

One of the University of Waterloo's resources for learning Python. Enter anz0, ashmc, or Fay-Z as your "guru" to ask us questions through the site.


Interactive lessons on Python syntax. Offers free and paid membership options.


Online Python tutorials/notes. More advanced, but less interactive. An excellent place to broaden your knowledge.

Other Resources


Interactive lesions on a variety of subjects, including web development, data management, application design, and programming languages.

CEMC Courseware

Covers Python, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and language independent lessons. A good place to learn basic programming concepts.

Khan Academy

Videos and lessons on JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and SQL, including applications in animation and games.


Tutorials on all aspects of web development, from HTML and CSS, to JavaScript and server side languages.